[All photographs copyright, Gary Nunn 2015] – As I walked around the fence line of the southeast section of Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery this morning, 12 May 2015, there was no mistaking the song of this colorful eastern warbler. The loud “cheery-cheery-cheer-swip” coming from deep in the bushes could only be a male Hooded Warbler Setophaga citrina. I quickly sat down on the grassy bank and played some song recordings and within a couple of minutes out popped this stunning colorful male hopping around and singing beside me. This Hooded Warbler was more cooperative than the one I found last year here at the cemetery, 01 May 2014, which showed for a few seconds before burying itself in the bushes. Photographed the nemesis bird at last! It moved off quickly back deeper in the bushes but continued loudly singing revealing its presence just outside the fence line.

Hooded Warbler – Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, Point Loma, San Diego County, California 12 May 2015 (© Gary Nunn)

Hooded Warbler – Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, Point Loma, San Diego County, California 12 May 2015 (© Gary Nunn)

Hooded Warbler – Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, Point Loma, San Diego County, California 12 May 2015 (© Gary Nunn)

Hooded Warbler – Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, Point Loma, San Diego County, California 12 May 2015 (© Gary Nunn)
Nice photos of this handsome cheery-swip guy!
I’m envious. Nice and clear + cute in the fence!
What a beauty.
Thanks for the post. It proves I wasn’t seeing things this afternoon (5/13/15) when a Hooded Warbler turned up in our Penasquitos back yard, foraging in the lower branches of some Aleppo pines. I’d never seen one before.
I don’t suppose you got a photo of your Hooded Warbler? Would be great to see that.
I agree. I live in Loma Linda and Cornell and Audubon say that there are NO Hooded Warblers in my area. I know what I saw. The small tree in front of my bedroom window and close to my deck was full of these beautiful birds. They chirped so much and I went out. I had no camera . Ugh!
A Hooded Warbler was eating black oil sunflower seeds from my bird feeder near Watsonville, CA on 11/27/18. He was the only bird on the feeder when I saw him. I was about a foot away from him, and he remained on the feeder for about 10 seconds before he flew away. So beautiful! I hope he returns!